Sunday, June 27, 2010

Neil and I before the start of the cat 2 Manhattan Beach Grand Prix.

Adam picked me up from the airport, let me crash at his pad, and took me out to dinner.  Awesome. Don't blame him that he went to an inferior school.

Long history in this race.  Yup, that's pirate booty.

Horrible placing with one lap to go.  I was probaby 50th place.  There was a crash with 3 turns left.  I somehow managed to stay out of that mess.  Then the group swung left and then right twice.  On the second swing left, I just stayed right and had a wide open path from probably 30th place.  The group barrelled towards the final 180 degree turn and I managed to move into top 15 before a guy swung out right directly in front of me.  So I had to settle for a sprint from 15th placed.  Managed to pick my way up to 8th place.  Not a bad result considering the 80 person cat 2 only field.  I'll take it and the $60.

Should be ready to go next week at Fitchburg.

Baby girl and I at the start!

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