I am off to Switzerland, Austria, and Prague for a little "who am I" time. This week has been tough. I am sick as a dog and I have been absolutely struggling with the prospect of turning down UVA and the 1/2 tuition scholarship they awarded me. But I finally decided on Berkeley for a million reasons. I still have yet to call Darden and tell them thanks but no thanks.
All of that mess will soon melt away on my super long voyage to Zurich. Thanks T Karnes for the video player!
I couldn't leave my readers with nothing. So I leave you with the below. Wow.
This guy was rolling through downtown Norfolk the other day. He was poud'r than a pig rolling in mud!
I want a tattoo of that car. That's awesome!!
Hey, good race on sunday. Way to show the muscle...
Yo!! that is too much, just way too much. I think it might even take the BMW, eh maybe not that much. -have great time over the pond, be ready to ride when you get back. -wick
Duder is trollin' w/ some giant Bratz dolls in the back-- scary.
Next time you want to take pics of me in my car and put them on your blog, you get my damn permission!
Congrats on making a decision on B-school, that's probably a huge weight off your shoulders. You're going to love it there, but you already knew that.
I think I'm a little disturbed that you knew what kind of dolls, Rob....
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