Saturday, December 15, 2007

37 Degrees = Awesome

Wick and I enjoying some winter riding. Snow flurries would have made it a truly epic morning.

Track Stand Approach (always find an uphill)

Stuck it. And then the one hander.

Early Sat Mornings Can Be Tough

If Wick hadnt shown up at my house at 730 this morning, there is a 100% chance that I would have just rolled over. I woke up, put on my new pearl long wind/winter pants and stepped outside. It was fricking (I love using that word--mostly because Elliot Reed uses it excessively) freezing.

We drove out to the Contes ride and saw only Bill Gilmer at the start. Wick and I were the only punks who slept in as everyone else was already up riding at 715. We put in a nice 40 in a "not too bad once you are riding" 37 degrees. I am blessed. I cant wait for April and May.

Wick and I also have an ongoing competition. Whenever we come to a red light, whomever holds the longer trackstand on the bike is the world champion. I spent a couple months on the velodrome back in 97 and actually was the national 7th placed collegiate kilo racer (only 7 guys qualified)! Of course I have yet to be beat in the track stand world championships. I submit the above pictures to display how to execute the perfect one handed trackstand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

37degrees......... I would have chosen to roll over in bed!!

Glad you had a good time!! lcb